The 1st ODYSSEUS Plenary Meeting has taken place, and it has been an incredible success. Held at the Thales premises in Prague, Czech Republic, on the 26th and 27th of June 2023, this gathering brought together the entire consortium for two days of collaboration and progress.

The Plenary Meeting provided the perfect platform for partners to showcase the progress made within their respective work packages and was marked by engaging discussions, fruitful collaborations, and alignment of efforts towards our shared goals. Throughout the Plenary Meeting, achievements were recognized, and challenges were addressed with a spirit of collaboration. The meeting also provided an opportunity for networking and strengthening relationships within the consortium.

The success of the 1st ODYSSEUS Plenary Meeting is a testament to the dedication and commitment of each consortium member. Together, we are pushing boundaries, shaping the future of border management, and striving for excellence.

As we reflect on the achievements of the 1st Plenary Meeting, we look ahead with excitement and anticipation.

Stay tuned for more updates and insights as we continue our journey together.


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