Inspectoratul General al Politiei de Frontiera
General Inspectorate of Romanian Border Police (RBP) is part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and is the specialized state institution which carries out the attributions appertaining to it and referring to the surveillance and control of the crossing of the state border, the prevention and fight against illegal migration and against acts specific to cross border criminality. Taking into consideration the previous experiences in HORIZON EUROPE funded project such as: ROBORDER, CAMELOT, SMILE, CRITERIA, IPROCURENET, BORDERSENS, RBP has the background for carrying out successfully the tasks within ODYSSEUS project.
Role in ODYSSEUS project
RBP, as END-USER, is interested to contribute in achieving the project goals, being involved in testing and validation activities of the 3 real-world use cases, as well as being pro-active in order to demonstrate the added value of the proposed solution and the validation of its main functionalities.