ODYSSEUS is broken into 7 work packages that work well together for a successful result.

The objectives of Work Package 1 are to effectively monitor the project, in administrative, technical, scientific and financial terms; to guarantee the adherence of the work to the overall project plans, available resources and timing; to offer the necessary interface to the EU services and external actors; to assure the high quality of the project outcomes and compliance with emerging standards and finally to identify project risks through an effective risk management process.

This Work Package’s goals are to develop comprehension of the end-users and industry players by formalising the needs and requirements of various actors and stakeholders in the sector; to identify the functional requirements by collecting the user requirements and specifications and translate them into technical requirements and system specifications; to identify and design the APIs specifications, which will give input to the integration activities and the development of ODYSSEUS components; to follow a security-and-privacy by design approach and deliver the project’s architecture, embedding integrity, confidentiality and availability in ODYSSEUS platform and finally to perform a privacy impact assessment and to ensure full understanding of necessary actions for compliance with respect to existing legislative and regulatory requirements.

Objectives 3rd Work Package include enabling Border Guards seamlessly verify the identity of travellers without stopping the vehicle; to enable citizens manage their passport through their smartphones via a secure and untampered digital and virtual passport compliant with the EU regulation; to protect and strongly verify the identity of travellers through multi-biometric and multibehavioural continuous authentication; to scan vehicles at the border in an unobtrusive manner without stopping the vehicle, for the detection of illegal goods, explosives, weapons; to proactively scan vehicles for the detection of illegal

immigration and potential vehicles modifications through high resolution and thermal cameras; to count and identify people outside or inside a vehicle (car, bus, train, boat) combined with crowd behaviour in a GDPR compliant way without the use of face characteristics and last to automate the identification of travellers and vehicles at risk through a large set of modalities in order to reduce queues and improve the security at the borders.

Targets of this Work Package are to setup a Continuous Integration/Continuous Development (CI/CD) environment to ease the development, testing and integration processes and achieve higher quality software that complies to the defined requirements and specifications; to test the ODYSSEUS framework at different levels (unit, integration and system/end-to-end tests) to verify its correct system-level operation and functionality, ensuring the quality of the produced integrated solution; to Integrate all software components developed WP3 and release the ODYSSEUS framework in two major releases; to deliver the produced ODYSSEUS artifacts to WP5 for execution and experimental validation of the platform in the pilot sites and to develop a user-friendly interface for citizens and stakeholders and lastly to produce insightful reports and visualisation analytics based on the functionality of the components defined in WP3.

The aims for this Work Package are to prepare an extensive plan that will allow the evaluation and validation of the ODYSSEUS proposed technical solutions against the KPIs and requirements identified in the context of WP2; to recruit highly representative end-users to participate to the ODYSSEUS pilot demonstrators, train them and support them during the execution of the pilots; to evaluate ODYSSEUS individual technological components, their interoperability and the overall system and to validate the overall ODYSSEUS solution and demonstrate its value proposition by testing it in three distinct use cases/pilots.

The following are the work package’s goals: to develop the project dissemination and communication strategy and to disseminate the ODYSSEUS concept, developments and findings to all key actors in the field, and integrate their feedback to the specification, design, development and evaluation work; to identify the exploitation potential of produced results by all project partners; to assess the market outlook and perform techno-economic analysis regarding the commercial use of ODYSSEUS developed technology; to ensure the efficient and continuous management of Intellectual Property Rights; to identify and analyse the innovation potential of ODYSSEUS; to provide policy recommendations for the improvement of existing border protection regulation and to monitor standardisation activities and coordinate the interaction of the consortium members with relevant technology fora and working group activities.

Work Package 7 sets out the ‘ethics requirements’ that the project must comply with.