One of the fundamental rights of humans is privacy. The ODYSSEUS carefully takes into consideration the privacy and protection of data in every aspect of its operations.

On December 4, 2023, ODYSSEUS partners had the privilege to attend the 1st Ethics Workshop organised by ISIG, the ethics manager of ODYSSEUS. The enlightening presentation covered the key elements of the data governance framework, the types of assessments and the ethical principles that should be in accordance with the Horizon Europe principles in every activity performed during the ODYSSEUS project.

On the first part of the workshop the importance of ethical project management was emphasised and the ethical challenges that arise throughout the execution of the project were thoroughly discussed. The importance of the protection of sensitive data from third parties and amongst partners was stressed as well as the necessity of data minimization, a process where only the necessary amount of personal data is collected. To enhance the safety of the data left, it should be anonymized or pseudonymized. Data storage guidelines that are appropriate for each type of data were presented analytically.

During ODYSSEUS research activities where individuals are required, the partners involved are urged to ensure specific rights and take steps to comply with ethical principles and the GDPR and maintain the security of the personal data collected.

The assessment presentation was divided into three categories, the PIA+ (Privacy, Ethical, Social and Legal, Impact) assessment, self-assessment and risk assessment. The potential ethical risks associated with artificial intelligence and the level of human control involved in its implementation were also highlighted.

All participants actively joined in two interactive online activities. In the first activity they were asked to give their opinion on potential ethical and data protection risks and in the second one to share their ideas on what the appropriate mitigation measures might be.

The presentation was highly informative and kept the audience engaged and involved continuously. Congratulations to ISIG for organising a successful workshop!

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